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A recent CBS News/YouGov poll reveals that voters are more worried than confident about the prospect of either President Biden or former President Trump serving another term. The poll, which comes from CBS and YouGov, surveyed voters in key states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, found that 55% of voters feel more worried about Biden, while 48% expressed the same sentiment about Trump.
The poll also examined the emotions voters associate with both candidates. Confidence ranked third for Trump (38%) and sixth for Biden (24%). For Biden, the second most common emotion was insecurity (41%), while for Trump, it was anger (44%).
A Gallup poll also found that roughly three in 10 Americans each believe only Trump (35%), only Biden (30%) or neither of the major party candidates (29%) would perform well. This percentage saying neither candidate would make a good president is the highest among those years when Gallup measured views on this question.
Among independents, the largest political bloc in the U.S., a 42% plurality do not think either candidate would be a good president. Those who do not think either candidate would do well in the White House are more likely to say they will vote for a third-party candidate than settle for Trump or Biden.
A Pew Research Center survey found that roughly a quarter of Americans (26%) hold unfavorable views of both Trump and Biden. This sentiment is more common among younger adults and those who reject partisan labels.