I Will Wait Pre-Performance Reading at the National Infantry Museum

I Will Wait Pre-Performance Reading at the National Infantry Museum

Military Spouses share challenges in dramatic presentation

Columbus, Georgia –Members of the Veteran’s Spouse Project will present a reading of I Will Wait, at the National Infantry Museum on Thursday, April 4th. I Will Wait is an original play that illustrates the challenges military spouses face when a loved one is deployed. This reading is a preview event to full performances of the play at Columbus State University’s Riverside Theatre May 10th and 11th.

The Veteran’s Spouse Project (VSP) is a non-profit organization made up of I Will Wait, a touring performance art piece, and Made for You, an accompanying expressive arts workshop. VSP exists to help bridge the civilian and military gaps within our communities by deepening the understanding of what military families endure through deployment and separation.

I Will Wait begins in 1945 at the end of World War II and travels through "forgotten" Korea, the volatile Vietnam war, Desert Storm and ends with spouses caught in the current cycle of war and deployment. With five original songs, I Will Wait uses music, drama and dance to look behind the gates of the emotional toll of sending loved ones to war.

The public is invited to a free preview event at the National Infantry Museum Thursday, April 4th. A light reception will begin at 5 p.m. and the reading will begin at 6 p.m.

The Veteran's Spouse Project has teamed up with the Georgia Repertory Theatre and CSU to present four full showings of I Will Wait, May 10th and 11th at the CSU Riverside Theatre complex. Tickets can be purchased at the museum event on April 4th, or online at www.iwillwaitvsp.com.

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